王丹, 副教授, 江苏大学4001老百汇游戏网址中药学与药学系, 研究方向为靶向钙离子通道抑制剂作为镇痛药/抗癌药先导物的新药研发。目前担任Cells, Pharmaceutics, Molecules, Int. J. Mol. Sci., Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health等领域内重要SCI期刊审稿人。
邮箱: danwang@ujs.edu.cn
2021.07至今 江苏大学, 4001老百汇游戏网址, 副教授.
2020.07-2021.06 江苏大学, 4001老百汇游戏网址, 资格副教授.
2015.10-2020.05 昆士兰大学 (UQ), 分子生物学研究所 (IMB), 药理学专业 (CSC-UQ公派), 博士.
导师: Prof. Richard J Lewis
2012.09-2015.06 四川农业大学, 农学院, 药用植物学专业药物化学方向 (推免), 硕士.
2008.09-2012.06 四川农业大学, 农学院, 中草药栽培与鉴定专业,学士.
导师: 高峰教授
1. 毒液肽T-型钙离子通道抑制剂的发现及其作为新型镇痛药的研发;
2. 天然产物小分子靶向T-型钙离子通道抑制剂的发现及抗肿瘤细胞生长活性研究;
3. 小分子天然产物的分离纯化及紫杉醇类似物的设计合成;
1. Dan Wang, S.W.A. Himaya, Jean Giacomotto, Md. Mahadhi Hasan, Fernanda C. Cardoso, Lotten Ragnarsson, and Richard J. Lewis*, Characterisation of δ-conotoxin TxVIA as a mammalian T-type calcium channel modulator, Marine drugs 2020, 18(7): 343.
2. Dan Wang*, Lotten Ragnarsson, Richard J. Lewis, T-type Calcium Channels in Health and Disease, Current Medicinal Chemistry 2020, 27(19): 3098-3122.
3. Jiao Wei-Hua, Jing Li, Dan Wang, Meng-Meng Zhang, Li-Yun Liu, Fan Sun, Jing-Ya Li, Robert J. Capon*, and Hou-Wen Lin*, Cinerols, Nitrogenous Meroterpenoids from the Marine Sponge Dysidea cinerea, Journal of natural products 2019, 82(9): 2586-2593.
4. Dan Wang, Pratik Neupane, Lotten Ragnarsson, Robert J. Capon* and Richard J. Lewis*, Synthesis of pseudellone analogs and characterization as novel T-type calcium channel blockers, Marine drugs 2018, 16(12): 475.
5. Ya-Nan Cao, Ling-Li Zheng, Dan Wang, Xiao-Xia Liang*, Feng Gao*, Xian-Li Zhou, Recent advances in microtubule-stabilizing agents, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2018, 143: 806-828.
6. Dan Wang#, Hong-Guan Chen#, Xin-Chuan Tian, Xiao-Xia Liang, Feng-Zhen Chen and Feng Gao*, Room-temperature palladium-catalysed Suzuki-Miyaura coupling of arylboric acid with aryl chlorides, RSC Advances 2015, 5: 107119-107122.
7. Dan Wang, Bi-Bo Zhang, Xiao-Xia Qu, Feng Gao* and Min-Yong Yuan, Microwave-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from Yupingfeng powder and their antioxidant activity, Pharmacognosy Magazine 2015, 11(43): 546-554.
8. Ling-Li Zheng, Dan Wang, Yuan-Yuan Li, Hong-Yan Peng, Ming-Yong Yuan, Feng Gao*, Ultrasound-assisted extraction of total flavonoids from Aconitum gymnandrum, Pharmacognosy Magazine 2014, 10: 141-146.
9. Dan Wang and Feng Gao*, Quinazoline derivatives: synthesis and bioactivities, Chemistry Central Journal 2013, 7: 95.
10. Feng Gao*, Dan Wang, Xing Huang, Synthesis, isolation, stereostructure and cytotoxicity of paclitaxel anologs from cephalomannine, Fitoterapia 2013, 90: 79-84.
1. 陈星秀, 王丹, 高峰. 类紫杉醇化合物及其制备和在抗癌药物中的应用. (专利申请号: 201310118861.5).
1. Dan Wang, Volker Herzig, Zoltan Dekan, Lotten Ragnarsson, Fernanda C. Cardoso and Richard J. Lewis, High-throughput Cell-based Assays for Screening CaV3.2 Modulators from Venoms. Venoms to Drugs Conference 2017, Noosa Heads, QLD, Australia, 9-14 October 2017.
1. 2021.08‒2023.08,双创博士,主持;
2. 2021.10‒2023.09,2021年度教育厅高校自然科学研究面上项目,主持;
3. 2021.03‒2024.02,江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金,主持;
4. 2022.01‒2025.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,排名第三
1. OEC中药分离技术(Separation Technologies of Chinese Medicines)
2. OEC药理学(Pharmacology)
3. OEC临床药物治疗学(Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics)
4. OEC生物化学与分子生物学(Biochemistry and molecular biology)
1. 江苏大学第五届全英文教学竞赛三等奖;
2. 作为核心组委会成员 (小组组长及会议手册主编) 参与组织了2018及2019年布里斯班疼痛学研讨会 (Brisbane Pain Research Symposium), 并拿到IMB影响力奖 (Impact Award) 提名.